Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What’s your Sign?

I wasn’t the first homeowner on my street to display an Obama – Biden sign. That milestone was me by my neighbor two doors down. Of course I already knew my fellow Obama supporter had good taste as he was the other Pittsburgh Steelers fan in my neighborhood. As our two signs were the only election banners displayed, for about a week now, I have the pleasure of basking in the fantasy that my neighborhood was demarcated as a little progressive haven. I know all of my neighbors to talk to, and many of my neighbors are close friends with whom I socialize frequently. So, I was aware that a few of my neighbors were more conservative than I. In fact, I know one or two even voted for Bush (at least the first time around). So, I had no real illusion that my little fantasy was true, even though it made me smile. However, that fantasy was shattered yesterday when my neighbor across the street posted, not one, but two McCain – Palin signs in their lawn. I should have known they would be the ones to shatter my fantasy solidarity. These are the same neighbors who repeatedly decline our entrées for participation in our community pot-lucks, barbecues, holiday cocktail parties and such. These are the neighbors who are always quick to yell at the kids if they cut across the corner of their lawn. And, worst of all, they are the neighbors who unleash multitude of cats on the neighborhood to antagonize our dogs and to use our lawns and garden sheds as their collective litter boxes. In short, they are stereotypical Republicans. Now, I know all republicans are not like my neighbors. In fact, as a military retiree working in the defense industry, I actually think more of my friends are Republicans than Democrats, and very few would fit this stereotype. But, it seems to me that the Republican Party certainly appeals to more than its fair share of Dennis the Menace – Mr Wilson types. Heck, now that I think about it, I bet when I was growing up, the old guy who kept our wiffle-balls when they accidentally landed on his front porch was a Republican.

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